A Patchwork Pillow
"Throw pillows, Lauren," he said, "We need pillows on the couch."
"In time," I replied as I flicked away on my iPad browsing Pinterest.
It came to that time for me last week to make a pillow, and a cute pillow it is. We have no pillows on the couches, which didn't bother me, but I guess it bothered my husband lol. ^_^; I told him I'd sew some, and ended up with throwing this cute abomination at him. One pillow. Done.
I used a mixture of scraps and new fabrics for the patchwork. If I didn't cut into some of my favorite fabrics, then I'd never see them get used in projects. I have the bad tendency to just stare at pretty things, like stationary, blank sketchbooks, and come up with a reason to not use it yet. Like it's not the right project, or right moment. Years later, I looked in my stationary box and realize there's 'special' papers in there from when I was a teenager that I never even used. :/ So, lately I've been trying to not hoard as much, and actually use more of the things I have stashed away. Which goes back to what I was getting at anyways, I finally cut into my Atsuko Matsuyama fabric and I'm glad I did. Plus there's two scraps of fabric in the pillow that my mom gave me from her stash, the vintage red fabric pictured below, and in the fourth column and fourth row from the top is some pink fabric my mom had used in a dress I wore when I was little. My Bitty Baby doll even had a matching dress. (I remember it being one of my favorite dresses because it was pink and had leaves on it like Autumn). I've barely got enough of the red for another tiny block, I think it's cute and wish I had more of it. I quilted it simply for an extra touch.
That chair is just darling isn't it? Its a child's chair I spotted on two separate occasions while at a consignment store. Jonathan asked where we were going to put it and said that there's no place for it. The boys have been using it since we brought it home, so there, hah. It had this ugly, frilly, and very dirty cushion tied to it which was promptly disposed of before being brought into the house. I'm still thinking of what kind of cushion to sew for it...eventually.
I thought I'd try making an envelope pillow case, since I've usually only done finished pillows in which I can't remove the stuffing to making washing easier. I didn't have a pillow form, and since it wasn't square I didn't think I'd find one to fit anyways. So, I ended up sewing a pillow to go inside. I don't trust this pillow to stay clean with three males in the house! So I gotta be able to wash it.
For now, it sits on this chair in the chair's actual spot by the computer desk, sometimes it sits on the couch, or under someone's head. The basket in the above picture is another addition I got at Home Goods. Finally a place to store our quilts! The little chalkboard label is supposed to say 'quilts' but got rubbed off before I took pictures. I think I might take it off and put it on the basket that has toys in my sons' room though instead.
Do you keep pretty things stashed away or use them as soon as you get them?