It's a Start
Since getting my new art room I've been over the moon. I first found two solid oak tables at a consignment store for $45 each (score!!) I needed some good working space and they were the perfect solution. Everywhere I had looked on Craigslist, particle wood desks were like $200-600+ waaay too much for me, plus the faux wood finish would easily get ruined over time just from me working on it I knew. So I'm very, very, very happy with these. :3
I set up my iMac and hung up my washi tape holder. Plants found outside ended up on my wall right above.
I did start a new drawing the other day. I'm making it up as I go, so far it's a crow skull, dead leaves, twigs, and the like. Its been a good while since I've drawn a graphite piece, so I think I'll take my time with it and keep making I up as I go. I did a little painting too.
Also, in regards to sewing, I'm still working on the quilt for the nine patch contest. It's due on March 10ᵗʰ, so I've got some catching up to do if I expect to get it finished on time! Eek! ^_^; That's another post though.
My husband, Jonathan, was back in town last week after being gone for most of the month, and we all got a little spoiled by him. A new book and small toy for the boys and I picked a pretty coral purse that I'm seriously in love :heart: with for myself after being persuaded (they had a major sale at the Coach store and it was a quarter of the price, so that helped convince me. I'm kind of fickle when it comes to these kinds of gifts.) Plus a small stackable jewelry box from the Container Store, since I seemed to own enough jewelry to validate purchasing one now. No more small tin box for me! There's also this decorative frame I have that I think I might turn into a jewelry holder too...hmm!
The canvas box is an old iPhone box I covered and lined with pretty paper inside. I plan on lining the other boxes given to me sitting in my stash, better than going in the garbage can. Speaking of garbage cans, after I dropped Jude off at the bus stop for school last week, I found a perfectly good dry-erase board someone had thrown out. They threw out a lot of other things that honestly should've been donated I thought, anyways I picked it up and walked home with it. I gave it a good wipe down to disinfect and clean it. I'm thinking part of the reason they tossed it was because they couldn't 'erase' the old marks on it anymore. Luckily that's a very easy fix, the secret being rubbing alcohol. Plus it works if your 3 year old colors on another dry-erase board you have with permanent marker...he colored on the t.v. too. Jonathan never found out about that, until now if he reads this blog :lol: Now that it was all clean I took some washi tape and new hanging hardware to it and forgot to take before pictures. But I'm happy with how it looks now! Those wooden scissors you see in the picture are another find, plus the lamp in the top pictures, I got at the consignment store. The scissors actually open and close too! My boys think they're super fun to play with much to my dismay. Got to get them hung up before one of them impales the other.
That's that! I've still got a lot more to do around the house to make it more of a home, and more to do to make my art and sewing room inspirational for me, but it is a start.